Allows to play or convert any audio format with a standalone command-line decoder available.Command-Line Decoder Wrapper (foo_input_exe).The Default User Interface from early foobar2000 versions.Classical User Interface (foo_ui_classic).Performs a double-blind listening test between two tracks.These components are provided as separate downloads, found on the Official Components page.

Renames, moves, or copies files according to specified patterns.Tag retrieving support from freedb service for any set of files (mp3,mpc,flac.-not only CDDA tracks).Adds support for playing files directly from ZIP RAR and GZIP archives.If selected "Full", following additional components will be included, cumulative to Normal and Minimal: An 18-band graphic equalizer based on SuperEQ library.Converts files to WAV or any other formats using command line encoders.If selected "Normal", following components will be included, cumulative to Minimal: In addition to foobar2000's core functionality, following components can be installed as needed, through choice of Type of install. The Optional Features screen of the foobar2000 installer Standard Input Array (foo_input_std), which includes additional Components: CD Audio Decoder, FFmpeg Decoders and Monkey's Audio Decoder.